Sherwin Babbcosherwinbabbco-newlogo

5530 Borwick Ave.
South Gate, CA  90280

15 Rue des Frères Lumière
78374 Plaisir Cedex
Phone + 33 (0)1 30 80 81 82


A major specialist for Penetrant Testing, Magnetic particle testing.

It offers NDT products, equipment and expertise. It combines the resources of Sherwin Incorporated (USA), a leading penetrant manufacturer, and Babbco (France), a leading NDT* products and equipment provider.

Babbco, a company founded in 1952, has become the French leading specialist in non-destructive testing through Penetrant Testing and Magnetic Testing.

They give users advice on products, control parameters and facilities and keep in contact with partners in everything that regards prevention and safety using their products.

They manufacture most of their products:

Sherwin Incorporated maintains an inventory at its plants in USA (Southern California and Ohio).

Babbco manufactures most of penetrant testing / magnetic testing / ultrasonic consumables in France (near Paris) and designing products in the Netherlands at NDT Europa. Engineering, Assembly and Development service is based in France (near Bordeaux).


Sherwin Babbco offers a wide range of expert solutions with a fully approved list for:

  • Penetrant testing products and equipment
  • Magnetic testing products and equipment
  • UV-A lighting
  • Visual inspection equipment

The Dubl-Chek line of liquid dye inspection penetrants and related products are manufactured since 1964. Dubl-Chek products are approved by governing agencies worldwide, including the US Government, ASME, ASTM, as well as the prime aerospace and military contractors and OEM’s*. Dubl-Chek fluorescent penetrants are used widely in aerospace.

With Testron and Metal-Chek partners, SherwinBabbCo products cover South American and Russian industry needs.


– Benefit from international coverage.
– Benefit from working with the most demanding customers.
– Benefit from optimised technical and economical solutions.
– Benefit from independent business agreements between different partners.
– Benefit from a common marketing strategy.